Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Looking forward to following your big trip. Excited to see our boats going where they never would have gone with us, even if we were 40 years younger like you. Safety over bravery!!

Tom and Deb

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Hey Tom and Deb! Thanks so much! Excited to share where your boats get to go! Right now we're looking at launching from Bellingham May 11th or so! Thanks so much for following along :)

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I’m a big fan of the step back 5 X 5 process, it works in high risk environments like off shore construction, working at heights, and outdoor recreation. There’s nothing better than making a quick hazard review part of your daily routine, and making communication with your co workers/outdoors partners part of that routine. https://www.safetyrisk.net/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2010/06/Step-back-5x5-presentation.ppt

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This is awesome! Thanks for sharing Jim!

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Hmm proofread this twice but it was just now pointed out to me that it's 2022, not 2021! Sorry!

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