Your photography is stunning! Thanks for indulging me!

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Aug 21Liked by Maddy Marquardt

Maddy, you are an amazing person and sounds like you might be more like your mom than you give yourself credit for. I was raised a ranch girl, when you had something that needed to be done, you just buckled down and got it done. I have had a hard time learning to ask for help, it feels like I am failing if I have to ask for help. Since losing my husband, life has forced me into asking for help and I am getting better at it. I think sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and don't give ourselves grace in just how far we have come. You guides have an amazing amount of stress on you to keep your groups safe and still be able to show them the beauty that the islands bring. Chin up and paddle on my friend.

Michele Gray

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Aw thanks so much for this message Michele! You are such a wonderful person and I'm so happy to have met you and spent time with you out on the water💕

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Aug 19Liked by Maddy Marquardt

Loading boats often makes me feel inadequate because I’m short. Yes I can load my boat on my own. But my paddling buddy is RIGHT THERE and they can help me and I can help them. It’s a team activity. Took me a while to accept that one :)

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YESSS this this this!! There are things that are easier for me than for my partner Andy, and things that are easier for him, and remembering that we're a team and it's totally okay to need his help is such a process! ❤️

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Aug 18Liked by Maddy Marquardt

U do have a great mom!💙love that we live near them again!!

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I love that too! It's so fun to hear all her stories from living near you guys again!

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I have also been in that cave in a kayak ☺️

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So beautiful! We will be up in Au Train in 2.5 weeks and I can’t wait! Thanks for sharing!

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